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Category: Site News for www.moniqueysworld.nl, the English section.
Publication Date: October 11th 2008 19.17
Author: Monique Lannott
It took quite some time for me to work on my website, honestly much longer than I had expected. the idea to start my own website came somewhere in 2006, but the real work began in december last year. First I did most of the Dutch section, then I started on the English part. Since the end of July my website has been really online, but it took me still quite a bit of time to finish the English section and to work out some issues that were causing difficulties or links that didn't work the way they were supposed to.
But finally, here we are. the fact that my website would soon be ready, has already been on my skype for quite a few months. But now we are ready to really start using this website....and I am very excited. Any kind of input is more than welcome, and you can use the Contact form to let me know what you think about the result.
this website is partly about me, partly about Cindy, but there is also a lot to find here that I thought might really interest people. the My Groups section is a list of Yahoo groups that I thought might also be interesting or useful to others, and so is the Interesting websites area, which contains links to websites of friends, but also all sorts of websites that I enjoy visiting.
the podcast feed is already up and working, I have tested it. Check the Download section for more information about this. the Rss feed is not available yet, I am planning on this, so please bare with me.
I also would like to thank my friend Marielle from www.yeapsystar.nl for her inspiration, insight and very useful assistence in checking out my website and pointing me at errors and things that could use some more improving and attention. It is very much appreciated and I hope I have been able to put some of your tips and advices to good use.
For now there is not much more to add. thank you for visiting and I hope very much you will enjoy this website.
Take care, and talk to you later.
Best Regards,
October 11th 2008